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Campfire Guitar

Learn 9 Chords & 9 Rhythms and you are on your way to playing most pop songs!

Learning guitar should be fun and rewarding. If you don't enjoy it, what is the point of doing it?

Not everybody who picks up a guitar wants to be a virtuoso.
1. Many people just want to entertain themselves and friends by simply playing songs at parties.
2. There are also many serious musicians who want to approach the instrument from a garage band perspective playing simple 3 or 4 chord pop tunes like U2 or The Ramones.
3. Many professional vocalists just want to learn enough guitar to accompany themselves competently.
4. Then there is the songwriter John Lennon type who would rather be writing pop songs than putting in the hours learning scales and technique required to play virtuoso lead.

Those musicians who fall into the above categories need to master a completely different set of skills than the virtuoso lead player. You don't need to master scales or lead playing techniques to play Beatles or Green Day songs. You don't need to know every jazz chord...
...however you need to focus on these skills:
1. Knowing the template strumming patterns and how to use them (there are 9 basic strumming patterns and 4 advanced)
2. Being able to hold a steady groove the way a drummer in a good band does
3. Knowing how chords go together (understanding chord harmony and theory)
4. Knowing how to listen to a song and play it by ear
5. Knowing how to put a bass part under a strumming pattern
6. Developing the ability to listen to a song played by a band such as the Rolling Stones and then create a convincing arrangement to perform live with just yourself and a guitar

Having performed as a solo act singer/guitarist for all of my working life, I know what works and what doesn't.